Monday, May 3, 2010

Now to kick back a bit...

So now that I am very much established in this WH, I almost feel like I can relax a bit. Every other time I've been set up in w-space, I've always been looking for the next great WH. Where I'm at now, I basically have unlimited access to C3 WH's. I understand that complacency doesn't generally end well, but I just feel at home.

Today I felt like getting more fuel. So I scanned down the hi sec exit and got some. All there was to it. Decided I wanted to run a few sites, so, with a WH neighbor, scanned down the static C3 and ran some. Man, living hasn't been this easy...well...ever in w-space for me. Here's to hoping I haven't spoken too soon...

While I had the orca out picking up fuel, I also had him pick up some much needed combat supplies to bolster my pvp capabilities. As a WH community, our neighbors and us seem to have silently decided to treat mysterious visitors as hostile visitors. If we can take em...we will. So I picked up my dusty Falcon for Boblakov to ensure that I would be more prepared the next time we had visitors...along with various pvp fittings, ammo and such.

On another interesting note...we found that, if the planets don't change with the release of Tyrannis, we will have one of each type of planet. I haven't really looked into Tyrannis and PI yet but a more knowledgeable w-space neighbor commented on that interesting fact. This could open up a new source of income for our little community...

1 comment:

  1. Hello; I've never played EVE online before; but just want you to know I am completely enamored with your blog. Please come back soon. I'm going to ready every single blog you've ever posted. You're my hero; as it were. :)
